Sunday, February 3, 2013

Doing less is sometimes more

But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen the good part, which will not be taken away from her.  Luke 10:42
 Some of you are aware that I have been out of sorts lately. The flu turned into a bronchial infection, which then caused my ear drum to rupture etc.  Being sick in bed for 2 weeks has taught me a few things.  First lesson~ God is my sustainer.  I truly can find strength under His wings.  Second lesson~ When my body is doing less, God can be doing more.  Every ministry opportunity I had was canceled due to my being too ill to physically carry them out.  These were ministries near and dear to my heart.  But the Lord began to open my eyes and give me a glimpse into His perspective.  What if I stopped focusing on what wasn't taking place instead of what was.  So, what was taking place?  Intercessory prayer.  This is the ministry the Lord has ordained for me these past few weeks.  He is taking the Martha things away and asking me to do the better things like Mary did.  Not to say those things Martha did were not good, but we tend to do the Martha things because we have the physical ability to do them.  There comes a time when physically we can't do it all and slowly our ministries get taken away so that we have time for the greater things ~ prayer.  Can a bronchial infection be God's grace?  Yes, we can spend a significant amount of time with the Lord when we are ill because we will find ourselves in a place where there are no distractions.  Are you in a place where you feel hindered in doing ministry?  The Lord may be preparing you for the greater things, wanting you to dig deeper into His word so that He can show you things of Himself that you have never seen before.  Wanting you to do intercessory prayer in these last days where the spirit of the age is growing darker and darker.  So, let's not focus on what isn't taking place- but what is.

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