Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Put on Love

With Valentine's Day coming I have been thinking a lot about love and how it can be best expressed.  In God's word we have a picture of how it's lived out practically in our lives.              
1 Cor. 13:4-7
1. "Love is patient."  By an act of our will we can be patient even when things don't go the way we plan.
2. "Love is kind." Kindness will draw people to us.  Sets the atmosphere in our homes.
3. "Love is not jealous."  Isn't afraid of the loss of someone's affection.
4. "Love does not brag."  It doesn't try to make things look better than they really are.
5. "Love is not arrogant."  Considers the possibility that we could be wrong and isn't defensive.
6. "Love does not act unbecomingly."  Does nothing out of place.
7. "Love does not seek its own."  Consider others as more important than themselves.
8. "Love is not provoked."  Is not easily irritated.
9. "Love does not take in account a wrong suffered."  Does not bring up the past and replay bitter thoughts in their mind.
10. "Love does not rejoice in iniquity but in the truth,"  Doesn't provoke anyone to sin but encourages others to do good.
11. "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." Doesn't give up easily, isn't suspicious of others,is optimistic, remains strong through trials.

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